The Periodontal Condition of Chronic Hemodialysis Patients in the Nephrology and Hemodialysis Department of the Mali-Gavardo Hospital in Bamako

Author Details

O Diawara, M. Coulibaly, M. Kone, EE Belinga Lawrence, A Niang, M. Samake, S. Konare, S.Sy, A Nimaga, K.Djiguiba, H. Yattara, M. Ba, D. Diallo, B. Ba, S.Fongoro

Journal Details


Published: 2 July 2020 | Article Type :


Objective: To assess the periodontal condition of chronic hemodialysis patients in the Nephrology and Hemodialysis department of the Mali-Gavardo Hospital in Bamako.

Materials and method: We carried out a prospective, transversal and descriptive study based on the observation of the periodontal state in patients followed in the department over a period of 6 months (June to December 2018). The target population was chronic hemodialysis patients followed during the study period. The data was collected from medical records and a questionnaire and entered, then analyzed with SPSS version 19.0 software. The free and informed verbal consent of each participant was obtained with strict anonymity.

Results: The male sex was the most represented in 66.6% of the cases with a sex ratio of 2; The most represented age group was 61 to 80 with an average age of 50 and extremes ranging from 20 to 80. The initial nephropathy was vascular in 30% of the cases. Hyperparathyroidism was noted in 60% of patients; 6.7% had hepatitis B and 3.3% had hepatitis C and HIV.

Smoking was observed in 36.7% of patients and 50% had a good plaque index and 90% gingival inflammation. Periodontal conditions observed were periodontitis (43.3%), gingivitis (33.3%), recession (20%) and gingivorrhagia (3.4%). Paleness and dry mouth were noted in 63.3% and 36.7% of cases, respectively.

Conclusion: This study shows the high frequency of periodontal infection in chronic hemodialysis patients, hence the importance of early and multidisciplinary management.

Keywords: periodontal diseases, chronic hemodialysis, periodontitis gingivitis, Mali.

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O Diawara, M. Coulibaly, M. Kone, EE Belinga Lawrence, A Niang, M. Samake, S. Konare, S.Sy, A Nimaga, K.Djiguiba, H. Yattara, M. Ba, D. Diallo, B. Ba, S.Fongoro. (2020-07-02). "The Periodontal Condition of Chronic Hemodialysis Patients in the Nephrology and Hemodialysis Department of the Mali-Gavardo Hospital in Bamako." *Volume 3*, 1, 9-13